Results for "Borreliose"

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Lyme-Borreliose A69.2 Dermatology
Borreliose; Borreliose chronische; Dermatoborreliose; Erythema migrans-Krankheit; Erythema-migrans-Krankheit; Lyme Borreliose; Lyme disease; Lyme-Krankheit; Neuroborreliose; Zecken-Borreliose
Chronische Borreliose Dermatology
Chronische kutane Borreliose, Borreliose chronische kutane
Borreliose und Schwangerschaft A62.9 Dermatology
Lyme-Borreliose und Schwangerschaft
Borreliosen A69.2 Dermatology
Zecken-Borreliose Dermatology
Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans L90.4 Dermatology
Akrodermatitis chronica atrophicans; Chronic cutaneous borreliosis; Dermatitis atrophicans chronica progressiva; Dermatitis atrophicans diffusa progressiva idiopathica Oppenheim; Herxheimer M.; Lyme Borreliose; Lyme-Borreliose; Lyme borreliosis; Lyme disease; Morbus Herxheimer; Pick-Herxheimer-Krankheit; Taylorsche Krankheit
Erythema migrans A69.2 Dermatology
Erythema chronicum migrans; Lyme-Borreliose; Post-treatment Lyme disease symptoms; Wanderröte
Borrelien Dermatology
Borrelia burgdorferi
Borrelien-Antigene Internal medicine
Antigene von Borrelia burgdorferi; Borrelia burgdorferi-Antigene; Borrelienantigenität; Borrelien Labordiagnostik; Borrelienserologie; Borrelien-Serologie; Immunantwort auf Borrelien
Interstitielle granulomatöse Dermatitis mit Arthritis M30.1 Dermatology
Churg-Strauss Granulome; IGDA; Interstitial granulomatous dermatitis; Interstitielle granulomatöse Dermatitis; Interstitielle granulomatöse Dermatitis mit Arthritis

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Lyme borreliosis A69.2 Dermatology
Dermatoborreliosis; Erythema migrans disease; Lyme borreliosis; Lyme disease; Lyme disease chronic; Neuroborreliosis; Tick-borne Lyme disease
Borrelia antigens Internal medicine
Antigens from Borrelia burgdorferi; Borrelia antigenicity; Borrelia burgdorferi antigens; Borrelia Laboratory Diagnostics; Borrelia serology; Borrelia Serology; Immune response to Borrelia bacteria
Borrelia Dermatology
Borrelia burgdorferi
Borreliosis A69.2 Dermatology
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Borrel amédée Dermatology
Borrelia burgdoferi Internal medicine